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Best Way to Upgrade a Plain Fabric? Trims!

Best Way to Upgrade a Plain Fabric?  Trims!

A gorgeous trim has the power to transform the plainest of fabrics into something extraordinary.  

It is  also one of the most economical ways to make something simple into something spectacular without spending a lot of money.

Take a look at this example below.  Here is a plain curtain, but with the greek key trim, it elevates the curtain into something beautiful.  You can use something simple for the fabric, and the trim is only $45 per yard.  This is a much better solution than say, using expensive fabric.


Designed by Kate Markers Interiors

Here is another drapery using the same matrix tape.

See what a huge difference it makes?

The selection and quality of trimmings today keeps getting better and better.  They are more luxurious, more design-forward and more affordable than ever before.  The best decorative trim, in our opinion, is made by Schumacher (see the entire trimming collection here).

Take a look at some of our favorites:








These are just few of the possibilities. You can see thousands more at our trimming section at our site.