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élitis designs

Élitis is a world-acclaimed designer and producer of accessories, fabrics, mural panels, wallpaper, and wallcoverings, for residential and commercial decorative projects. It was founded in 1988 in Toulouse, France.  Its style is considered to be bold and innovative, always experimenting in combining different materials and techniques to create high-end collections that are always fresh and well accepted worldwide. At TheWorkRm, we carry the complete collection of Élitis fabric, wallpaper and cushions.

 Please contact us for pricing or product information. Request a quote.

élitis wallcoverings élitis velvets élitis accessories élitis wallpapers

Élitis' current catalog offers more than 650 different options for interior decoration. Some of the most popular collections are:

Each Élitis creation is crafted like a work of art, from the special textures and constructions to the overall look and feel. This commitment to excellence and artistic expression is what distinguishes the Élitis brand as a leader in the world of high-end design

élitis textiles élitis collections élitis fabrics